Thursday, April 9, 2009

Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest Quarterfinalist

Doctor Breedlove (Or, how I gave up gambling and learned to love a laureate) is a quarterfinalist in the 2009 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest. Now that I'm a Quarterfinalist, Amazon customers can read, rate and review my excerpt while the manuscript is being reviewed by Publishers Weekly. Last year, tens of thousands of reviews were written by customers and fellow contestants giving authors valuable feedback on their writing. You can find my excerpt on via the following link: Below is my synopsis of the plot.

Description: What do a professional poker player, a renegade American researcher, a rogue Soviet spymaster and a former Green Beret all have in common? They're all out to possess a truckload of hijacked scientific curiosities that could set international relations between the United States and Russia back fifty years.

"Doctor Breedlove" is a richly populated, fast-paced tale that follows an impassioned American geneticist after she decides to pierce the veil of secrecy by blowing the lid off a top secret government research project being conducted less than one hundred miles from Las Vegas. Stealing a truckload of the research's "byproducts" as proof, she hightails it toward Los Angeles in the hopes of making the evening news and with it, she hopes, to freedom.

However, she is not the only party with a stake in the game. A former Soviet intelligence officer with a taste for what the west has to offer would like nothing better than to sell her top secret cargo to the highest bidder. The Institute's chief of security, a hard bitten bureaucrat, will stop at nothing to ensure that neither researcher nor research ever make it into print. Last but not least, a down-on-his-luck poker cheat who was left for buzzard bait in Death Valley winds up being dealt into the game when he is literally taken for a ride by a lady laureate on a mission of mercy.

Will Mona make good her escape before the authorities close in? Will the wild card named Jake use his street savvy to help our lady laureate beat the odds? Or, will he decide to try and cash in on the reward? These and other questions will be answered as Doctor Breedlove wends her way through the Mojave Desert toward her date with destiny.